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Freedom Of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 promotes greater openness and accountability across the public sector and it gives individuals or organisations the right to request information from any public authority.

In accordance with the Act there are two ways of accessing information held by the University of St Mark and St John: 

1.    Publication scheme 

Adopting a publication scheme is a requirement of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The University has adopted the Model Publication Scheme as designed by the Information Commissioner. The publication scheme is a guide to the specific information the University publishes or intends to publish, publish in this context means to make routinely available. It covers seven classes or categories of information under which the University will publish information. 

The University makes a lot of information publicly available via its website. Information on the University, its Schools and courses can be found by browsing the web pages and there is a search facility at the top of the page. 

Please find the University's Publication Scheme at the bottom of this page.

2.    Right of Access Request 

Information not published under this scheme can be requested in writing. On receipt of a written request the University is obliged to inform the enquirer whether it holds the information in question and if it does, subject to exemptions set out in the Act, to supply that information to the enquirer within 20 working days. Please provide as much information as possible with your request. A fee may be charged calculated according to the fees regulations of the Information Commissioner’s Office. 

The University's Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officer can be contacted as follows:

University of St Mark & St John
Derriford Rd

Telephone: 01752 761145 ext 4206



 FOI Publication Scheme
(adobe .pdf, 239 KB,)