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Erica Eaton Quinn

Senior Lecturer

Programme Lead for BA (Hons) Physical Education Programme Lead for BA (Hons) Physical Education with Dance

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

01752 636700 Ext:8622


Erica Eaton-Quinn

Role Summary

Erica has taught in numerous schools, in both the primary and secondary sectors. She is particularly interested in the relationship between physical activity and health and whether schools can have an impact on children and adolescents’ health status. Erica is passionate about developing physical literacy in foundation and primary aged children to enhance engagement and participation. She is committed to developing a more accessible Physical Education curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils, including those who do not identify as 'sporty'.  Erica is also interested in the use of training modalities such as Pilates and Yoga based practices to provide holistic training and diverse learning opportunities in school. Erica delivers dance pedagogy across degree progammes based upon her dance background and post graduate studies at the Laban Centre. She has a personal interest in talent identification and development in children with a particular focus on dance. She is also keen to encourage the development of dance in Devon.



  • MPhil University of Exeter
  • PGCE Primary Education, University of Exeter
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Movement and Dance, The Laban Centre, Goldsmiths College, University of London
  • BSc (Hons) Biology and Oceanography, University of Southampton


  • Designing cross-curricular learning through authentic and 'real life' learning opportunities based upon innovation and creativity.
  • Talent identification and development.
  • Physical activity and health based issues.
  • Physical activity and paediatric health.
  • Development of physical literacy in foundation and primary aged children.
  • Aspects of training such as development of flexibility and development of core stability in all ages.
  • Holistic approaches to health including use of Pilates and Yoga based practices.
  • Aspects of physiology and anatomy with a special interest in children.
  • Planning, Delivery and Evaluation of Health Based Physical Activity and Exercise.
  • Working with Children in Sports Coaching, Health Based Activities and Formal Education.
  • Planning, Delivery and Evaluation of Dance in both Formal and Informal Education.
  • Nutritional Issues.

Erica has a specific interest in the design of authentic and 'real life' learning opportunities that are based upon innovation and creativity. She has a strong interest in the learning opportunities afforded by adopting a thematic approach to the design and delivery of learning across ages.  She has a particular interest in the delivery of curriculum subjects and the wider curriculum through the physical domain. She aims to enhance learning opportunities across domains by bringing different groups of individuals together for mutually beneficial experiences. 


M.Phil Post Graduate Medical School, Exeter University. This study involved an analysis of the physical activity patterns of primary aged children during school playtimes. A multi-method approach was adopted to gather primary data.  Heart rate monitoring was employed to gather quantitative data alongside direct observation which provided context and explanations. The study focussed upon the multitude of modifiable and non-modifiable factors that impact upon whether a child chooses to be physically active at playtimes. Conclusions identified the importance of schools adopting a holistic approach to physical activity and maximising opportunities for a two way interplay between physical education lessons and playtime activity. Various other key factors were identified for encouraging active play within the primary school playtime setting.

Research grants/Funded Consultancy Work

The Ernesettle Project (2006)

Erica was the Project Lead for the Ernesettle Project that was funded by a KESW grant of approximately £10,000.  This project included research and consultancy work.  This involved working on a “design and build” project with General Practitioners (GPs) and other health professionals in an area of known deprivation and high levels of hypo-kinetic diseases.  The remit was to develop a functional fitness suite available to the local community within the new purpose built surgery as an innovative response to a healthy living initiative.  The project also involved setting up an appropriate schedule of activities and developing an appropriately qualified staffing profile to ensure the facility was ‘fit for purpose’ prior to handing over the daily running of the facility to an outside provider.

The Ernesettle Project (2019 ongoing)

Erica is the MarjonProject Lead for the Ernesettle Health Centre Fitness Suite.  In 2019, Plymouth MarjonUniversity was approached to ‘dust off the cobwebs’ and reopen the Fitness Suite that had laid dormant for a couple of years.  The remit was to re-establish the Fitness Suite and set up the protocol and staffing for GP referral within the Ernesettle Health Centre.  The Fitness Suite reopened in November 2019 and is a successful ongoing project.

Professional Practical and Knowledge Exchange

Parkour Research Project (ongoing)

Erica is currently writing up a study that evaluates the potential impact of parkour within the NC for PE from a number of different perspectives.  First we consider the potential for Parkour to meet the second of the 4 NCPE aims i.e. to enable children to be physically active for sustained periods of time using data from a large number of heart rate traces gathered from several schools.  Secondly we explore the potential of parkour to engage those pupils who do not readily engage with the more traditional activities often delivered within the PE curriculum which could impact upon the fourth of the NCPE aims.

CPD Implementation of government policies in schools (2008)

Erica was involved the design and implementation of the redesigned KS3 and KS4 National Curriculum (NC) for PE in schools.  She was involved in the planning and delivery of a full day of CPD for qualified and practising PE teachers across the locality designed to demystify the new NC for PE using a variety of lectures, workshops and tasks to address specific areas of concern as required, including the requirement to address individual needs.

CPD Implementation of Health Initiatives in schools (2007 onwards)

Erica was involved in the planning and delivery of CPD for qualified and practising PE teachers across the locality addressing Health Initiatives in the context of formal education through a school setting.  The CPD involved a variety of lectures, workshops and tasks to address specific topics as required.

The Multi-skills Project (2005-2006)

Erica was a key person in a project designed to ensure secure development of fundamental movement skills (FMS) in the primary sector.  We were responsible for the design of a Unit of Work that could easily be delivered by those working in the Primary Sector and the training of staff to enable high quality delivery.  The project also required the creation of CPD workshops designed for PE co-ordinators in the locality.  The unit was piloted in 10 primary schools in the locality and the impact evaluated to ascertain the effectiveness and ease of use of the pilot unit. 

Research project with 29 Commando into over-training/drop-out of Commandos

Erica was involved in a collaborative research project with 29 Commando into over-training and drop-out from soft-tissue injury of Commandos from the short course taken prior to the full course based at Lympstone.  This explored whether the monitoring of certain variables such as alteration in body composition can act as a predictor of overtraining and increased risk of injury.  Results were presented to the board at the Citadel and the changes suggested as a result of our research were implemented.  A further study linked with the project outlined above into nutritional supplementation in commandos and possible increase in success rate/reduction in injury risk was carried out.


Peer reviewed manuscripts

Golder G, Jones N and Eaton- Quinn E (2009) ‘Strengthening  the special educational needs element of  initial teacher education’ British Journal of Special Education  Vol 36. No: 4

Manuscripts awaiting publication

Eaton Quinn, E., Dunks, B. & Bloxham, S. (2021) Does Parkour have a place within the school PE Curriculum?  A quantitative study of heart rate in relation to UK recommendations (2019) for physical activity. Submitted to the Journal of Physical Education and Sport.

Non-peer reviewed manuscripts

Article published in SportEx Health publication, Stretching a Point, April 2004. 

Discussion of the controversy surrounding the factors that influence the need to stretch as part of the warm up prior to training or a competitive event.

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