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Professor Professor Gary Kinchin

Dean of School

School of Education

01752 636700


Gary Kinchin - Dean of the School of Education at Plymouth MarjonUniversity

Role Summary

I have Strategic oversight of all programmes within the School of Education.


B.Ed (Hons) The College of St Mark and St John (First Class)

MA: Physical Education Teacher Education: The Ohio State University

PhD: Physical Education Teacher Education: The Ohio State University


I have taught across the full range of undergraduate through to doctoral research training modules.

I have supervised 20 doctoral students to completion and have externally and internally examined a similar numbers of doctorates

I am a very experienced external examiner of ITT programmes, in particular physical education at both undergraduate and postgraduate pathways.

I have previously worked in universities in both England and in the USA.


Sport Education within physical education and physical education teacher education, research on teacher education and research on student teachers.



Hastie, P.A., Curtner-Smith, M.D., Kinchin, G.D., & Wallhead, T. (forthcoming). "“Beyond my wildest dreams”: The reach and impact of Sport Education". Quest: The Journal for the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education,

Nicholls, F., Fewings, G., Kinchin, G.D., & Luke, I (2022). Immersing the concept of Sport Education into an outdoor archaeological learning experience for pupils within one primary school Physical Education Matters.17(2), 25-28.

 Curtner-Smith, M.D., Kinchin, G.D. & Hastie, P.A. Brunsdon, J., & Sinelnikov, O. (2020). “It’s a lot less Hassle and a Lot More Fun:” Factors that Sustain Teachers’ Enthusiasm for and Ability to Deliver Sport Education Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 40(2), 312-321.

,  and  (2020), "Promoting pre-service teachers' engagement in an online professional learning community: Support from practitioners",  , Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 129-146  

Curtner-Smith, M. & Kinchin, G (2019) ‘Occupational Socialization in Sport Pedagogy’ In, Peters, M. A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Kinchin, G.D. (2019). Entering secondary physical education student teachers’ expectations of their program of initial teacher training. International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports, 8(1), 85-94.

Kinchin, G.D. (2019). A Sport Education ultimate frisbee season: The bare bones! Physical Education Matters, 14(2), 31-33.

Althuwaini, M. & Kinchin, G.D. (2018). ‘If I am thirsty, the others drink first’: A Sport Education festival in Kuwait. Physical Education Matters. 13(3), 39-41

Walker, N.J., & Kinchin, G.D. (2018).  Using sport education to teach IGCSE physical education.  The case of one British International School.  Physical Education Matters, 13(3), 35-38

Kinchin, G.D., & Katene, W. (2018). PGCE secondary physical education student teachers’ use of Sport Education during their student teaching. Physical Education Matters.13(3), 31-34

Ismail, N., Kinchin, G.D & Edwards, J-A (2017).  Pilot study, Does it really matter? Learning lessons from conducting a pilot study for a qualitative PhD thesis.  International Journal of Social Science Research, 6(1): 1-17.

Goulart da Silva, F., &  Kinchin, G.D. (2017). Using sport education within a community-based youth volleyball club in Brazil. Physical Education Matters, 12(3): 59-61.

Vass, B., & Kinchin, G.D. (2017). Sport Education and pupil progress: The case of Crestwood College. Physical Education Matters, 12(1), 27-30.

Kinchin, G.D. & Bryant, L.G. (2015). Using social media within physical education teacher education. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 28(5), 18-21.

O’Sullivan, M., Kinchin, G.D., & Enright, E. (2014).  Cultural studies curriculum in physical activity and sport. In J.Lund & D. Tannehill (eds) Standards based physical education curriculum development ( 3rd Ed.). Sudbury, MA:  Jones and Bartlett


Kinchin, G.D., MacPhail, A., Ni Chroinin, D. (2012). Irish primary school teachers’ experiences with Sport Education.  Irish Educational Studies, 31 (2), 207-222.

Kinchin, G.D. (2012). Learning sport education through reflective inquiry. In P.A. Hastie (ed.) Sport Education: International Perspectives (pp.166-176). London: Routledge.

Kinchin, G.D. (2010). Models of Pedagogy. In R.Bailey (ed) Physical Education for Learning: A Guide for Secondary Schools. London: Continuum (pp. 118-128).

Kinchin, G.D., MacPhail, A., & Ni Chroinin, D. (2009) Pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of a culminating festival within a sport education season in Irish primary schools. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 14(4), 391-406.

Kinchin, G. D., & Hastie, P. A. (2009). Parlez-vous français? Using sport education within the classroom setting. Physical Education Matters4(4), 35-39.

Curtner-Smith, M. D., Hastie, P. A., & Kinchin, G. D. (2008). Influence of occupational socialization on beginning teachers’ interpretation and delivery of sport education. Sport Education and Society, 13(1), 97-117.

MacPhail, A., Gorely, T., Kirk, D. & Kinchin, G.D. (2008). Children's Experiences of Fun and Enjoyment During a Season of Sport Education Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(3), 344-356.

Kinchin, G.D. (2006). Sport Education: A review of the research. In D. Kirk, M. O'Sullivan & D. Macdonald (Eds.) Handbook of Physical Education. London: Sage p.596-609.

MacPhail, A. and Kinchin, G.D. (2004). The use of drawings as an evaluative tool: students’ experiences of sport education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 9(1): 87-108.

Kinchin, G.D., Wardle, C., Roderick, S. and  Sprosen, A. (2004) A survey of year 9 boys perceptions of sport education in one English secondary school,  Bulletin of Physical Education, 40(1): 27-40.

MacPhail, A., Kirk, D. and Kinchin, G.D. (2004) Sport Education: promoting team affiliation through sport education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 23:106-122.

Kinchin, G.D., & O’Sullivan, M. (2003). Incidences of student support for and  resistance to a curricular innovation in high school physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 22, 245-260.

MacPhail, A., Kinchin, G.D.& Kirk, D. (2003) Students’ conceptions of sport and sport education, European Physical Education Review, 9(3): 285-300.

Kirk, D, & Kinchin, G.D. (2003). Why situated learning as a theoretical framework  for Sport Education? European Physical Education Review 9(3), 219-235.

Siedentop, D., & Kinchin, G.D. (2003). What makes sport education different? British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 34(2), 10-11.

Sproule, J, Kinchin, G, Yelling, M, McMorris, T & McNeill, C 2002, 'Using technology to analyse teaching behaviours within initial teacher training' European Journal of Physical Education, vol 7, pp. 123-135.

Penney, D., Clarke, G., & Kinchin, G. (2002). Developing physical education as a ‘connective specialism’: Is sport education the answer?. Sport, Education and Society7(1), 55-64.

Kinchin, G.D. (2001). Using team portfolios during a sport education volleyball season. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance., 72(2), 41-44.

Kinchin, G.D. (2001). A high skilled pupil's experiences with sport education: Australian Council for Health, Physical Education & Recreation 48 (3-4), 5-9.

Kinchin, G.D. (2001). Using team portfolios during a sport education volleyball season. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance., 72(2), 41-44.

Kinchin, G.D., & O’Sullivan. M. (1999). Making high school physical education meaningful for students. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

70(5), 40-44, 54.

LaMaster, K., Hall, K., Kinchin, G. & Siedentop, D. (1998). Inclusion practices of effective elementary specialists. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 15(1), 64-81.

Kinchin, G.D. (1998).  Secondary students’ responses to issues of gender in sport and physical activity. Journal of Sport Pedagogy, 4(1), 29-42.


Other Interests

Keeping fit, walking, playing lawn bowls competitively

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