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Dr Joseph Layden

Associate Dean (Research and Innovation)

Subject Area Lead for Professional Services Associate Professor

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

01752 636700 Ext:4350


Joe Layden

Role Summary

Joe in an Associate Professor and Programme Leader in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation. He teaches across a range of programmes including Sport and Exercise Science, Health and Wellbeing and Sport Therapy.  He is the Subject Area Lead for Professional Services attached to the School and has responsibility for the strategic direction of service provision that supports the delivery of academic programmes and is the Director of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Accredited Physiology Laboratories.

In addition to teaching Joe is an active postgraduate supervisor supporting numerous MRes, MSc and PhD scholars. Joe is Co-Convenor of the Resilience and Human Performance Knowledge Exchange Groups and sits on the Senate Committee, Research Degrees Scrutiny Panel and is Deputy Chair of the Ethics Panel.


  • PhD Applied Physiology, University of Strathclyde
  • MSc Sport Science Physiology, Loughborough University
  • BA, University of Strathclyde (Outdoor Education)
  • Diploma Sport Therapy, Society of Sport Therapists
  • Certificate in Higher Education, University of St Mark and St John


Exercise Physiology


Research Methods


Joe Layden gained a PhD in Applied Physiology from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde in 2003. He is is a BASES accredited physiologist with Accredited Scientist status.  

As an experienced physiologist he has lead research projects for organisations such as UK and the Netherlands Ministry of Defence and Royal Netherlands Military Police.  His primary role has been to provide advice and/or undertake scientific study to assess injury risk and to ensure the functional health and wellbeing of working personnel. Sample projects include:

  • Assessment of workload on fatigue and injury risk in Royal Marine Recruits
  • Quantification of thermal strain experienced by Royal Netherlands Air Force Fire Fighting Instructors
  • Evaluation of the adequacy of nutrition provision for UK MoD personnel undergoing arduous training and/or tasks
  • Validation of methodologies employed by clinicians for the assessment of Non Freezing Cold Injury

His current research is primarily focused on thermoregulation and exertional heat illness.  

Joe is a member of the Life Long Health and Wellbeing and Co-Convenor of the Resilience and Human Performance Knowledge Exchange Groups



Ogden, H. B., Fallowfield, J. L., Child, R. B., Davison, G., Fleming, S. C., Delves, S. K., ... & Layden, J. D. (2022). No protective benefits of low dose acute L-glutamine supplementation on small intestinal permeability, epithelial injury and bacterial translocation biomarkers in response to subclinical exertional-heat stress: A Randomized cross-over trial. Temperature, 1-15.

Ogden, Henry B., Joanne L. Fallowfield, Robert B. Child, Glen Davison, Simon C. Fleming, Simon K. Delves, Alison Millyard, Caroline S. Westwood, and Joseph D. Layden. (2021) "Acute L-Glutamine Supplementation does not improve Gastrointestinal Permeability, Injury or Microbial Translocation in Response to Exhaustive High Intensity Exertional-Heat Stress." European Journal of Sport Science: 1-28.

Downey, J., Bloxham, S., Jane, B., Layden, J. D., & Vaughan, S. (2021, April). Person-Centred Health Promotion: Learning from 10 Years of Practice within Long Term Conditions. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 439). MDPI.

Ogden, H. B., Child, R. B., Fallowfield, J. L., Delves, S. K., Westwood, C. S., Millyard, A., & Layden, J. D. (2020). Gastrointestinal Tolerance of Low, Medium and High Dose Acute Oral l-Glutamine Supplementation in Healthy Adults: A Pilot Study. Nutrients, 12(10), 2953.

Ogden, H. B., Fallowfield, J. L., Child, R. B., Davison, G., Fleming, S. C., Delves, S. K., ... & Layden, J. D. (2020). Influence of aerobic fitness on gastrointestinal barrier integrity and microbial translocation following a fixed-intensity military exertional heat stress test. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1-13.

Millyard, A., Layden, J. D., Pyne, D. B., Edwards, A. M., & Bloxham, S. R. (2020). Impairments to Thermoregulation in the Elderly During Heat Exposure Events. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 6, 2333721420932432.

Westwood, C.S, Fallowfield, J.L., Delved, S.K., Nunns, M., Ogden, H. and Layden, J.L. (2020) Individual risk factors of heat illness: A Systematic review. Experimental Physiology. DOI:  

Ogden, H. B., Fallowfield, J. L., Child, R. B., Davison, G., Fleming, S. C., Edinburgh, R. M., & Layden, J. D. (2020). Reliability of gastrointestinal barrier integrity and microbial translocation biomarkers at rest and following exertional heat stress. Physiological Reports, 8(5), e14374.

Baker, G., Bloxham, S., Layden, J., & Gush, R. (2020). Vascular endothelial function is improved after active mattress use. Journal of wound care29(Sup9a), S18-25.

Ogden, H., Child, R.B., Fallowfield, J.L., Delves, S.K., Westwood, C.S. and Layden J.L. (2019) The Gastrointestinal Exertional Heat Stroke Paradigm: Pathophysiology, Assessment, Severity, Aetiology and Nutritional Countermeasures. Nutrients. 12, 537.

Bloxham, Saul, Layden, Joseph, Jane, Ben, Peers, Charles and Scragg, Slafka (2019) The longitudinal effects of a physical activity programme on the physical fitness and disability of back pain patients: a service evaluation. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 33 (1), 7-13

Bloxham, Saul, Layden, Joseph, Jane, Ben, Peers, Charles and Scragg, Slafka (2016) Person-centred, Physical Activity for patients with low back pain: Piloting Service Delivery. Healthcare 4 (2) 28

Fallowfield JL, Blacker SD, Willems MET, Davy T & Layden J. Neuromuscular and cardiovascular responses of Royal Marine recruits to load carriage in the field. Applied Ergonomics 43(6), 1131-1137, 2012.

Fallowfield JL, Layden JDJ, Allsopp AJ. (2011). Training and Competition Environments. In: Lanham-New SA, Stear SJ, Sherreffs SM, Collins A. Sport and Exercise Nutrition. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. 357-374.

Daanen H, Jonkman AG, Layden JD, Linnane DM, Weller AS. (2011) Layden et al Optimising the Acquisition and Retention of Heat Acclimation. International Journal of Sports Medicine 32(11): 822-828

Daanen HAM & Layden JD. Reply to A. D. Flouris and S. S. Cheung reply letter regarding cold-induced vasodilation. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2009

Layden JD, Malkova D and Nimmo MA. (2004) During exercise in the cold increased availability of plasma nonesterified fatty acids does not affect the pattern of substrate oxidation. Metabolism 53, 203-208

Layden JD, Malkova D and Nimmo MA. (2004) Fat oxidation after acipimox-induced reduction in plasma nonesterified fatty acids during exercise at 0 degrees C and 20 degrees C. Metabolism 53, 1131-5

Layden JD, Patterson MJ, and Nimmo MA. (2002) Effects of reduced ambient temperature on fat utilisation during submaximal cycle exercise. Med Sci Sports Exe 34, 774-780

Shave, R., Dawson, E., Whyte, G., George, K., Nimmo, M. A. Layden, J. Gaze, D.,Collinson, P. (2004) The impact of prolonged exercise in a cold environment upon cardiac function. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 36 1522-1527

Layden JD, Shave R, White G, and Nimmo MA. (in preparation) The effect of reduced ambient temperature on whole body fuel utilisation and exercise capacity in highly trained endurance athletes

Technical Reports:

Layden JD (2009) Non-freezing cold injury: An evaluation of the principles underlying the cold stress test utilized at the Institute of Naval Medicine for the assessment of cold sensitivity. Institute of Naval Medicine Report.

Davey T, Fallowfield JL, Delves SK, Layden J. (2008) The relationship of food provision and nutrient intake to training outcome in Royal Marine Recruits: Interim Report III, Institute of Naval Medicine Report. Report No. 2008.055

Fallowfield JL, Delves SK, Davey T, Layden J, Vale R. (2008) An evaluation of the physical training progression during Royal Marine Young Officer training: Interim Institute of Naval Medicine Report. Report No 2008.052

Davey T, Fallowfield JL, Delves SK, Layden J (2008) The relationship of food provision and nutrient intake to training outcome in Royal Marine Recruits: Interim Report II (Middle of training) Institute of Naval Medicine Report. Report No. 2008.041

Fallowfield JL, Blacker SD, Davey T, LaydenJ, Delves, Willems M. (2008) Physiological responses of Royal Marine Recruits to prolonged load carriage in the field. Institute of Naval Medicine Report. Report No 2008.048

Fallowfield JL, Lunt H, Davey T, Layden J (2007) Nutritional guidance for ?Leading Physical Trainer? training. Institute of Naval Medicine Report No. 2007.033

Conference papers:

Millyard A., Layden J, Edwards A, Pyne D, Bloxham S. Influence of age on perceptual responses to thermal stress at rest and following exercise. Conference: International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Amsterdam, July 2019 (Oral)

Ogden, H. B., Child, R. B., Fallowfield, J. L., Delves, S. K., Westwood, C. S., & Layden, J. D. (2019). Reliability of Gastrointestinal Barrier Integrity Assessment Techniques Following Exercise-Heat Conference: International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Amsterdam, July 2019 (poster)

Ogden H, Child, R. B., Fallowfield , Davison G, Fleming S, Delves S, Millyard A, Westwood C, Layden J. (2020). Influence of Low Dose Acute Glutamine on Gastrointestinal Barrier Integrity and Microbial Translocation Following Exertional Heat Stress. Physiological Society, Future Physiology Virtual Conference. (poster)

Bloxham, S, Flegg, K and Jane, B, Layden J. Physical Activity and Cancer Cachexia Presented to the 4th Wingate Congress of Exercise and Sport Sciences. Wingate Institute, Netanya, Israel. June 2016

Caroline S. Westwood, Alice J. Davies and Joseph D. Layden (2015) Posterior chain activation exercise and knee stability indices in female field sport players. BASES Conference

Davey T, Delves SK, Layden J, Lanaham-New SA, Fallowfield JL (2010) macro and micro nutrient intakes of Royal Marine recruits during 32 weeks of military training. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69 (OCE1), E63

Meeuwsen,, E.M. van Es, B. Smeets, J.D. Layden, R. Simons, H.A.M. Daanen Reduced Cold-induced Vasodilation at altitude: due to hypoxic or hypobaric circumstances? Mini paper ICEE Symposium 2009

Joseph J.D. Layden, Eric Mol, Ivo J.H. Tiemessen and Susan Vrijkotte. Physiological Response of Fire-Instructors to repeated live fire fighting scenarios. ACSM 2010

Eric Mol, Joseph J.D. Layden, Ivo J.H. Tiemessen and Susan Vrijkotte. Is there a cumulative physiological effect on RNLAF fire instructors during 5 consecutive days of live fire training? ACSM 2010

Ivo JH Tiemessen , Eric Mol, Joseph D Layden & Susan Vrijkotte. Cognitive response of Fire Fighting Instructors to repeated live fire fighting scenario?s ACSM 2010

Daanen, H.A.M, Layden, J.D. Heat strain alleviation in protective clothing. NATO ASI ?Defense Related Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) Protection, 2010

T. Meeuwsen, E.M. van Es, MSc, B. Smeets, J.D. Layden, R. Simons, H.A.M. Daanen (2009) Reduced Cold-induced Vasodilatation at altitude: due to hypoxic or hypobaric circumstances? ICEE Conference

Layden JD, Malkova D and Nimmo MA. Fat oxidation during sub-maximal exercise in the cold: the influence of free fatty acid availability. 42nd Meeting of the Climatic Physiology Group, University of Glamorgan, 2002

Layden JD, Patterson MJ, and Nimmo MA. Effects of reduced ambient temperature on fat utilisation during submaximal cycle exercise. Fifth Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2000

Expert Membership of professional bodies

British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) - Accredited Scientist 

Advance HE - Fellow

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