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Professor Jon Ord


School of Education

01752 636700 Ext:4306


Jon Ord

Role Summary


Jon worked for 20 years as a youth work practitioner in a variety of settings and brings that knowledge and commitment to youth work to his teaching and research, joining Marjonin 2003. He is particularly interested in the relationship between theory and practice of youth work, the impact of policy on practice and the management of youth & community work. He also has a keen interest in outdoor education. Betrween 2016 and 2018 Jon led a major research project into the value and impact of youth work on the lives of young people in Europe.

Jon featured on the  to discuss the latest issues surrounding youth work in the UK. 



PhD - Curriculum and Experiential Learning in Youth Work (University of Wales)

PG Diploma in Youth & Community Work (University of Lancaster)

PG Cert in Existential Counselling and Psychotherapy (University of Sheffield)

BA Joint Hons in Philosophy & Physical Education (University of Wales)



  • Youth Work Theory and Practice
  • Informal Education
  • Social Policy
  • Youth Policy
  • Management of Work with Young People


Research Interests


  • Youth work theory and practice
  • Social policy, in particular youth policy
  • Curriculum
  • Management of services for young people
  • Outdoor and experiential education

Research Grants

Project title: ‘Developing and Communicating the Impact of Youth work across Europe’  - Erasmus Plus  - €302, 104 Co investigators  - University of Bari, University of Toulouse, Helsinki University of Applied Sciences and Tallin University, Grant number: 2015-3-UK01-KA205-022861.
Value of award to PI 99,600 Euros – Start date Feb, 2016 – end date Oct, 2018

Implementation of Transformative Evaluation in Western Australia  – Edith Cowans University Perth & Youth Affairs Council WA, 200,000 AUD, value to Marjon16,000 AUD, Principal investigator; Start date Jan 2018 – end date 30th August 2018

Implementation of Transformative Evaluation in Scotland – NHS Scotland / University of Edinburgh - £25,000, Principal investigator; Start date 1st Feb 2017 – end date 30th June 2018

Research Outputs

see publications



  • Ord, J. (ed) with Carletti, M. Cooper, S Dansac, C. Morciano, D. Sirula, L, Taru, M. (2018)The Impact of Youth Work: A study of five European Countries, Helsinki: HUMAK
  • Jeffs, T.  & Ord, J. (eds.) (2017) Outdoor, Experiential and Informal Education: Beyond the Confines, London: Routledge.
  • Ord, J (2016) Youth Work Process, Product & Practice(2nd ed), London: Routledge
  • Ord, J. (2012) (ed.) Critical Issues in Youth Work Management. London: Routledge
  • Ord, J (2007) Youth Work Process, Product & Practice: Creating an authentic curriculum in work with young people. Lyme Regis: RHP

Journal articles:

  • Elsen, F. & Ord, J. (2023) ‘You don’t get Ditched’ - Young People, Mental Health, and Youth Work: Challenging Dominant Perspectives, Youth 2023, 3(4), 1429-1440;  DOI: 10.3390/youth3040090
  • Ord, J.; Jeffs, T. (2023) Friendship: The ‘Achilles Heel’ of European Youth Work Policy. Youth 2023, 3, 1268–1283. DOI: 10.3390/youth3040080
  • Ord, J. (2022) Young People, Youth Work and the ‘Levelling up’ Agenda, for the special edition of Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit Vol. 37 (1-2) 104–117.
  • Bainborough, E. & Ord, J. (2021) Trauma Informed Practice: A solution to some of the problems of targeted youth work in Youth & Policy.
  • Ord, J.  Carletti, M. Morciano, D. Siurala, L. Dansac, C., Taru,  M. Fyfe, I. Cooper, S. Kötsi, K. Sinisalo-Juha, E. & Zentner, M. (2021) European Youth Work Policy and Young People’s Experience of Open Access Youth Work, Journal of Social Policy
  • Ord, J. & Monks A. (2021) Food Poverty & Youth Work : A Community Response in Critical Social Policy
  • Elsen, F. & Ord, J. (2021) The Role of Adults in ‘Youth Led’ Climate Groups in Frontiers in Political Science(Special Edition on Environmental Activism), 
  • Ord, J. (2020) Youth Work Curriculum in England: a process-based curriculum? InYouth & Policy available at: 
  • Ord, J. (2020) Innovation as a Neoliberal ‘Silver Bullet’: Critical Reflections on the EU’s Erasmus + Key Action 2 in Discourse : Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
  • Cooper, S., Morciano, D., Scardigno, F. & Ord, J. (2019). ‘Transformative evaluation in youth work and its emancipatory role in Southern Italy’ inItalian Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol 3, pp. 133-152 DOI: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2019-3-7
  • Ord J. (2018) in the journal: Vers l'éducation Nouvelle France.
  • Richie, D. & Ord, J. (2017) The Experience of Open Access Youth Work : the voice of young people, Journal of Youth Studies, Vol 20, issue 3, pp 269-282.
  • Ord, J. (2017) en Royaume-Uni : questions d'actualité’ in the journal: Journal of Sociocultural Development and Practices, Issue 12, published by Université of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland.
  • Wright, E. & Ord, J.  (2015) The Importance of Voice: Young People, Mental health and youth work in Youth & Policy, 115, pp 63-84.
  • Ord,J. (2104) Aristotle's Phronesis and Youth Work: Beyond Instrumentality in Youth & Policy, Volume 112, 56-73
  • Cooper, S. & Ord, J. (2014) Developing Know How: A particpatory Approach to Assessment in Journal of Vocational Education & TrainingVolume 66, Issue 4 Oct 2014 518- 536
  • Murphy, C. & Ord, J. (2013) Youth Work and Self Disclosure in Journal of Ethics and Social Welfare, Volume 7, Issue no 4. 362 -341
  • Ord, J. (2011) John Dewey & Experiential Learning: Developing the theory of youth work Youth & Policy. Issue number 108, Winter 2011
  • Ord, J. & Leather, M. (2011) The Substance Beneath the Labels of Experiential Learning: The Importance of John Dewey for Outdoor Educators in the Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, Volume 15 III 13-23
  • Ord, J. (2009) Experiential Learning in the UK: A Return to Dewey in International Journal of Life Long Education. Volume 28 IV
  • Ord, J. (2009) ‘Thinking the Unthinkable Youth Work without Voluntary Participation’. Youth & PolicyIssue 103 Summer 2009
  • Ord, J. (2008) ‘A Resolution to the Problem of Curriculum in Youth Work in the UK’. (translated into finish) The Finish Journal of Youth Research. Number 3 2008
  • Ord, J. (2008) ‘A Curriculum for Youth Work: The UK Experience’ in Youth Studies Australia. Vol 28 no.1
  • Ord, J. (2004) ‘Youth Work Curriculum & Transforming Youth Work Agenda’. Youth & Policy,Issue Number 83, Spring 2004
  • Ord, J. (2004) ‘Youth Work Curriculum as Process, not as Outcome or Output to Aid Accountability’. Youth & Policy,Issue Number 85, Autumn 2004


  • Ord, J. (2019) Youth Clubs: ‘Then & Now’ – ‘1960-65’ and ‘2015-18’ in Gilchrist, R.; Hodgson, T.; Tony Jeffs, T.; Spence, J.; Stanton, N. and Walker, J. Reflecting on the Past:  Essays in history of youth and community work.
  • Ord, J. Davies B. (2018) ‘The Context of Youth Work in the UK’ in Ord, J. (ed) with Carletti, M. Cooper, S Dansac, C. Morciano, D. Sirula, L, Taru, M. (2018) The Impact of Youth Work : a study of five European Countries, Helsinki: HUMAK.
  • Zentner, M. & Ord, J. (2018) ‘The context of European Youth Work Policy’ in Ord, J. (ed) with Carletti, M. Cooper, S Dansac, C. Morciano, D. Sirula, L, Taru, M. (2018) The Impact of Youth Work : a study of five European Countries, Helsinki: HUMAK.
  • Ord, J. (2018) ‘Comparing the Impact of Youth Work across the UK, Finland, Estonia, France & Italy’ in Ord, J. (ed) with Carletti, M. Cooper, S Dansac, C. Morciano, D. Sirula, L, Taru, M. (2018) The Impact of Youth Work : a study of five European Countries, Helsinki: HUMAK.
  • Ord, J. & Carletti, M. (2017 / 2018) Les programmes "Albermarle" (1960) et "Myplace"(2008) deux financement par l’Etat de la construction de Maisons de  Jeunes en Angleterre" in Besse, L. et Clarisse, C. Des lieux pour l'éducation populaire : histoire des équipements socioculturels, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Ord, J. & Leather M. (2017) ‘John Dewey and Experiential learning’ in Jeffs, T.  & Ord, J. Outdoor, Experiential and Informal Education: Beyond the Confines, London: Routledge.
  • Ord, J. (2017) ‘Mountains as a Setting for informal Education’ in Jeffs, T.  & Ord, J. Outdoor, Experiential and Informal Education: Beyond the Confines, London: Routledge.
  • Ord, J. & Mallabon, L. (2017) ‘Wilderness and Informal Education: The Educative Potential of Wild Places and Spaces’ in Jeffs, T. & Ord, J. Outdoor, Experiential and Informal Education: Beyond the Confines, London: Routledge.
  • Ord, J. (2015) ‘Aristotle, Instrumentality and Youth Work Outcomes’, for Cousee & Williamson The History of Youth Work in Europe Volume 5, Brussels: Council of Europe Publishing.
  • Ord, J. (2011) The Kingston Youth Service: Space, Place and the Albermarle Legacy in Gilchrist, R. et al (2011) Reflecting on the Past: Essays in history of youth and community work. Lyme Regis: RHP.
  • Ord, J. (2012) Planning for Outcomes: A youth work problem, in Ord, J. (2012) (ed) Critical Issues in Youth Work Management. London: Routledge.
  • Bunyan, P. & Ord, J. (2012) The Neo Liberal Policy Context of Youth Work Management in Ord, J. (2012) (ed) Critical Issues in Youth Work Management. London: Routledge.
  • Harrison,R. & Ord, J. (2012) The  ‘Theory’ of Youth Work Management, in Ord, J. (2012) (ed) Critical Issues in Youth Work Management. London: Routledge.
  • Fuller, P. & Ord, J. (2012) Reflections on the Dominant Cultures and Structures, in Ord, J. (2012) (ed) Critical Issues in Youth Work Management. London: Routledge.
  • Ord, J. with Moustakim, M. Smith, C. & Wood, E.  (2012) Youth Centre Management: Managing buildings and beyond, in Ord, J. (2012) (ed) Critical Issues in Youth Work Management. London: Routledge.


Expert Membership of professional bodies


Professional Association of Youth & Community Work Lecturers (PALYCW)

Roles on external bodies


 Advisor to the DCMS / NYA National Curriculum for Youth Work (2021) - 


Other Interests


 Jon is a trustee of Tavistock Youth Cafe.

When Jon is not working he enjoys being in the outdoors and is a keen swimmer, kayaker.

He spends much of his spare time walking on the moors around Tavistock with his Fox-Red Labrador Ronnie.

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