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Professor Tanya Ovenden-Hope

Professor of Education

Dean of Place & Social Purpose

Vice-Chancellor's Office

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Tanya Ovenden-Hope

Role Summary


Professor (Dr) Tanya Ovenden-Hope is Professor of Education and Dean of Place and Social Purpose at Plymouth MarjonUniversity and Plymouth MarjonUniversity | Cornwall, UK.

Tanya is a committed and enthusiastic educationalist with over three decades experience in schools, colleges and universities in England as a teacher, teacher educator, educational leader and educational researcher. 

The author of over 100 papers, reports, articles and books, Tanya is dedicated to exploring social inequity and educational disparity and has spent more than a decade focusing on the challenges for coastal, rural and small schools, including issues of teacher recruitment and retention and access to funding and professional development. 

Professor Ovenden-Hope developed and leads Plymouth MarjonUniversity | Cornwall. She is the Education Research lead for the University, leading UoA 23 in REF 2021 and is Director of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Group - Context Agency Place and Education (CAPE). She is an active PhD supervisor and Director of Studies. 


Doctorate (Education)

MA (Education)

BA Hons (Sociology)



Cert Ed





Postgraduate taught and research programmes:

  • PhD Supervisor and Director of Studies



Selection of research and development projects:

RETAIN: Teacher Retention Programme (Externally funded)

An evidence based and research informed CPD programme for early career teachers of KS1 working with disadvantaged pupils. The aim of RETAIN is to keep teachers in the profession by enhancing their pedagogy and practice, and improve pupil attainment.

Pilot: Cornwall, 2015 – 2017; funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (£384k). Contract holder: The Cornwall College Group, Dr Tanya Ovenden-Hope Project Lead and Principal Investigator.  Partners: Institute of Education, UCL (Professor Sonia Blandford) and Edge Hill University (Professor Tim Cain). Independent evaluator: Sheffield Hallam University (Dr Bronwen Maxwell).

Education Isolation - coastal, rural and small schools

Findings of the seven year qualitative longitudinal research on coastal schools and two comparative studies of coastal schools across England (national, international and government impact) were developed into a project exploring educational isolation (more complex than geography, to include considerations of coastal, rural, small and underperforming schools) and the impact on school performance, including teacher recruitment and retention and student experience. 


Translational Research and Knowledge Mobilisation (National and International partners)

September 2014 - 2017: Lead Editor of MESH Guides MESH Guides provides free online evidence based and research informed resources for teachers globally.

Education and Training Foundation (Externally Funded)

September 2016 – July 2017: Five  Education and Training Foundation (ETF) contracts won for developing learning, teaching and assessment in the South West – The Professional Exchange Network (£45k), Collaborative Practice Development Day (£25k for regional provision from a large national grant of £179.6k), Transforming Teaching Learning and Assessment (£11.5k); 3 year Professional Exchange Network extension ( £25k) and Special Project: Collaborative Pedagogies (£25k).

ICE House Project (Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise for Education) (Externally Funded)

October 2008 – February 2012: £1 million ESF/Convergence funding applied for and received in collaboration with Cornwall College. Project developed innovation, creativity and enterprise for education through teaching.




NB: Also published under Dr Tanya Hope

Books (co-author and chapters)

  1.  Kirby, M., Kidd, W., Koubel, F., Barter, J., Hope, T., Kirton, A., Madry, N., Manning, P. and Triggs, K. (1997) Sociology in Perspective, Oxford, Heinemann.
  2. Marsh, I (Ed.) (1999) Sociology: Dealing with Data, Essex, Longman. (Co-author)
  3. Kidd, W., Kirby, M., Koubel, F., Barter, J., Hope, T., Kirton, A., Madry, N., Manning, P. and Triggs, K. (1998) A Readings in Sociology, Oxford, Heinemann.
  4. Hope, T., Griffiths, J and Best, S. (2000) Active Sociology, Essex, Pearson
  5. Kirby, M., Kidd, W., Koubel, F., Barter, J., Hope, T., Kirton, A., Madry, N., Manning, P. and Triggs, K. (2000) Sociology in Perspective AQA Version (2nd Edition), Oxford, Heinemann.
  6. Kirby, M., Kidd, W., Koubel, F., Barter, J., Hope, T., Kirton, A., Madry, N., Manning, P. and Triggs, K. (2000) Sociology in Perspective OCR Version (2nd Edition), Oxford, Heinemann
  7. Griffiths, J. and Hope, T. (2000) Access to Sociology: Stratification and Differentiation, London, Hodder and Stoughton.
  8. Delf, M. and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2016) Self and Sustainable Learning in an Uncertain Future in Summers, D. and Cutting, R. (Eds) (2016) Embedding Education for Sustainable Development in Further Education. Basingstoke, Palgrave. 
  9. Ovenden-Hope, Tanyaand Passy, Rowena (2020)  In Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (Eds) (2020) Exploring Teacher Recruitment and Retention: Contextual Challenges and International Perspectives. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London. ISBN 9780429460623
  10. Ovenden-Hope, T and Blandford, S. (2017) Understanding Applied Learning. London, Routledge.
  11. Luke, I., Ovenden-Hope, T. and Milner, A. (2018) Policy, Professionals and Professionalism in Luke, I. et al (eds) Thriving as a Professional Teacher. London, Routledge.
  12. Ovenden-Hope, Tanya, Blandford, Sonia, Cain, Timand Maxwell, Bronwen (2020)  In Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (Eds) (2020)  Exploring Teacher Recruitment and Retention: Contextual Challenges and International Perspectives. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London. ISBN 978036707645
  13. Ovenden-Hope, Tanyaand Luke, Ian (2020)  In Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (Eds) (2020) Exploring Teacher Recruitment and Retention: Contextual Challenges and International Perspectives. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London. ISBN 9780429460623
  14. Ovenden-Hope, Tanyaand Passy, Rowena (2020)  In Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (Eds) (2020) Exploring Teacher Recruitment and Retention: Contextual Challenges and International Perspectives. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London. ISBN 978042946062
  15. Ovenden-Hope, Tanya and Passy, Rowena (2022) Educational isolation in England: understanding place-based challenges for teacher recruitment and retention in coastal and rural schools. In Roberts, P. and Downes, N. (Eds) (2022) The rural school challenge: International comparisons in the staffing of rural schools. Australia. Singapore, Springer. In publication.
  16. Ovenden-Hope, Tanya, Passy, Rowena. And Iglehart, Philly (2022) Educational Isolation and the challenge of ‘place’ for securing and sustaining a high quality teacher supply. In Mentor, I (Ed) The Teacher Education Research Handbook. London, Palgrave.
  17. Hope, T., Kidd, W., Kirby, M. and Barter, J. (2000) Sociology in Perspective Teachers’ File AQA Version, Oxford, Heinemann.

Books (editor and co-author)

  1.  Hope, T., Kidd, W., Kirby, M. and Barter, J. (2000) Sociology in Perspective Teachers’ File OCR Version, Oxford, Heinemann.
  2. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (Editors) (2020) Exploring Teacher Recruitment and Retention: contextual challenges from international perspectives. London, Routledge.
  3. Ovenden-Hope, T. (Editor) (2022) The Early Career Framework: Origins, outcomes and opportunities. London, John Catt: Hodder Publishing.

 Research Papers

  1.  Hope, T. (1997) ‘A Question of Underachievement? Boys and Secondary Education’. Social Science Teacher’,Vol.26, No.3 pp10-14.
  2. Hope, T. (2000) Remuneration, recruitment, retention: The Educational Maintenance Allowance as an incentive to Learn. London, Further Education Development Agency.
  3. Hope, T. (2005) ‘Building Success in Post-Compulsory Education: The Effectiveness of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)’.Social Science Teacher, Vol. 34, No.3, pp 6-9.
  4. Hope, T., Husk, M., Dixon, T. and Camps, C. (2006) ‘An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Teaching Observation Models in ITT (PCET).’  Standards Unit Paper. London, DfES.
  5. Ovenden-Hope, T., Arreckx, F. and Kiellor, W. (2010) ‘Pupil Ill Discipline and Lack of Respect for Teachers is Dissuading Young People from Choosing Teaching as a Career.’  Recruitment, Retention Challenge Grant Paper. London, TDA.
  6. Ovenden-Hope, T (2011) ‘A Universal Teaching Qualification: Challenges and opportunities for professional convergence in teaching in England’, Research Intelligence, British Educational Research Association, Issue 116 pp. 22-23.
  7. Phippen, A., Wright. D. and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2012) ‘Are schools equipped to address online safety in the curriculum and beyond?’ eLearning Papers, Volume 28.
  8. Exley, S and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2013) ‘Preparing a Pathway of Professional Development for Teacher Educators in the Lifelong Learning Sector’. Teacher Education Network Journal (TEAN), 5 (2). pp. 4-18. Available at First accessed online 04 July 2013 DOI:
  9. Ovenden-Hope, T., la Velle, L. and Leask, M. (2014) ‘Using ‘MESH Guides’ as Translational Research and Knowledge Mobilisation for Continuing Professional Development in Schools’. CICE-2014 Proceedings: Canada International Conference on Education, pp 497-498. Infonomics Society, ISBN 978-1-908320-24-7
  10. Ovenden-Hope, T and La Velle, L. (2015) ‘Translational research and knowledge mobilisation: a study of use and perception in primary schools in England, UK’. Journal of Education for Teaching. Volume 42, Issue 5, 2015 pp. 574-585. London: Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2015.1105541 [Invited paper]
  11. Ovenden-Hope, T and Delf, M (2016) ‘Teaching for Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise (ICE): An Evaluation of Embedding ICE in Initial Teacher Education’. Education Today. London: The College of Teachers. Volume 66, Number 3, Autumn 2016. ISSN 0013-1547
  12. Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R. (2016) ‘Changing student behaviour in schools located in areas of socioeconomic deprivation: findings form the ‘coastal academies’ project’. Education Today. London: The College of Teachers. Volume 66, Issue Number 3, Autumn 2016. ISSN 0013-1547
  13. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2016) ‘Qualitative Longitudinal Research in Education’. Sociology Review, Volume 26, Issue 2. November 2016. London, UK: Hodder Education.
  14. Passy, R. and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2017) ‘Class of 2010: A qualitative longitudinal study of an English secondary school that became an academy’. SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, UK: SAGE. DOI 10.4135/9781473989122
  15. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Brimacombe, K. (2018) Teacher wellbeing and workload: Why a work–life balance is essential for the teaching profession. Impac London, UK: Chartered College of Teaching.
  16. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2018) INVITED REPORT ‘Educational Isolation: A Summary Report for the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Teaching Profession.’ All Party Parliamentary Group for the Teaching Profession, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, Westminster. 22 October 2018.
  17. Ovenden-Hope, T., Blandford, S., Cain, T. and Maxwell, B. (2018) ‘RETAIN: The teacher retention programme for early career teachers in England’. Journal of Education for Teaching. Volume 44, Issue Number 5.  London: Taylor and Francis [invited paper]
  18. Passy, R. and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2019) ‘Exploring school leadership in coastal schools: ‘Getting a fair deal’ for students in disadvantaged communities. Journal of Education Policy. London, UK: Taylor and Francis.
  19. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2021) Teacher as commodity versus teacher as professional: an international status-based crisis in teacher supply. Impact (11). London, UK. Chartered College of Teaching. [Invited paper]

Government Reports

  1. Skills Commission Report (2010) Teacher Training in Vocational Education Skills Commission (Ovenden-Hope, T. cited in report)
  2. Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R (2013) ‘Coastal Academies: Meeting the challenge of school improvement’. Report issued by Department for Education (DfE) at Academy Conversion Conferences (Office of the Schools Commissioner).
  3. Social Mobility Commission (2017) State of the Nation Report 2017: social mobility in Great Britain. London, UK: SMC. (Ovenden-Hope, T cited four times in report). Accessed at:
  4. House of Lords (2019) Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities, HL Paper 320, Report of Session 2017–19 The future of seaside towns. London: House of Lords. Accessed at: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201719/ldselect/ldseaside/320/320.pdf
  5. R. and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2017) ‘Class of 2010: A study of the Marine Academy Plymouth (sixth report)’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.


  1. Passy, R and Ovenden-Hope, T (2011) ‘Class of 2010: A study of the first year of the Marine Academy Plymouth (First Report)’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.
  2. Passy, R and Ovenden-Hope, T (2012) ‘Class of 2010: A study of the second year of the Marine Academy Plymouth (Second Report)’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.
  3. Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R (2013) ‘Coastal Academies: Meeting the challenge of school improvement’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.
  4. Ovenden-Hope. T. and Passy, R. (2013) ‘Class of 2010: A study of the third year of the Marine Academy Plymouth (third report)’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.
  5. Passy. R. and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2014) ‘Class of 2010: A study of the Marine Academy Plymouth (fourth report)’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.
  6. Passy, R., Ovenden-Hope, T and Edward-Jones, A (2015) ‘Class of 2010: a study of the Marine Academy Plymouth (fifth report)’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.
  7. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2015) ‘Changing Cultures in Coastal Academies’. Cornwall; Plymouth University, The Cornwall College Group and The Academies Enterprise Trust. First access at:
  8. Future Leaders Trust and Dr Tanya Ovenden-Hope (2015) Combatting isolation in coastal schools. London, Future Leaders Trust. First accessed 20/10/2015
  9. Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R. (2017) Class of 2010: A seven year study of a coastal academy in England. First accessed 8/09/2017
  10. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2017) ‘The Pedagogic Mentoring Programme: learning to teach on the job.’ London, UK: Education and Training Foundation and Creative Education.
  11. R. and Ovenden-Hope, T. (2018) ‘Class of 2010: A study of the Marine Academy Plymouth (seventh report)’. Plymouth, Plymouth University.
  12. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2018) ‘Transferring CPD learning from schools to FE and skills settings: collaborative pedagogy ‘special’ report.’ London, UK: Education and Training Foundation.
  13. Education Endowment Foundation (2018) ‘RETAIN: Early Career Teacher CPD for Key Stage 1; Pilot report and executive summary’. Ovenden-Hope, T. RETAIN Director. London, UK: EEF. Accessed at:
  14. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2019) Education Isolation: A challenge for schools in England. Plymouth MarjonUniversity and University of Plymouth. Plymouth, Plymouth MarjonUniversity.

Selected conference papers since 2017

  1. Ovenden-Hope, T (2017) Organiser of BERA one day conference ‘The New Three R’s: Recruitment, Retention and Region, Challenges for Schools in England’ 12 June 2017, Plymouth University. (accessed 24 June 2017).
  2. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2017) Invited speaker for the Church of England School’s Policy Group Think Tank on coastal schools, (February 2018).
  3. Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R (2017) ‘Seven Years of Educational Change: An English schools’ journey to improve educational attainment and raise student expectations.’ International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) World Assembly, Brno.
  4.  Ovenden-Hope, T, Blandford, B and Cain, T (2017) ‘RETAIN: The teacher retention programme for early career teachers in England’, in symposium: Evidence Based Knowledge for Teachers: generation, acquisition and mobilisation. S. B. Gompertz, A. Edwards-Jones, S. Waite, Sarah Younie, Marilyn Leask, James O’Meara, Tanya Ovenden-Hope, Maria Assunção Flores, Clemens Wieser. ) International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) World Assembly, Brno.
  5. Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R (2017) ‘Qualitative Longitudinal Research: A case study of an English school that became an academy.’ Australian Association for Research in Education International Conference, 26 – 30 November, 2017, Canberra, Australia.
  6. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2017) ‘Leadership, Culture, Performance: Exploring the effects of educational policy for an under-performing coastal school in England that became an academy.’ Australian Association for Research in Education International Conference, 26 – 30 November, 2017, Canberra, Australia.
  7. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2018) INVITED ‘Teach near the beach? Teacher education and coastal schools in socio-economically deprived communities.’ The Future of Teacher Education Conference, Bath Spa University, Bath. 6 June 2018.
  8. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2018) INVITED KEYNOTE ‘Teach near the beach? The challenge for coastal schools.’ Coastal Challenge Conference, Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch Council, Bournemouth. 22 June 2018.
  9. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2018) INVITED CHAIR Research Round Table: Teacher Recruitment Retention and Development. International Council for the Education of Teachers, World Assembly, TAMIU, Laredo, Texas. 11 – 13 June 2018.
  10. Ovenden-Hope, T., Passy, R. and Mills, B. (2018) ‘Defining Educational Isolation: exploring the challenges for sequestered schools.’ International Council for the Education of Teachers, World Assembly, TAMIU, Laredo, Texas. 11 – 13 June 2018.
  11. Ovenden-Hope, T. and La Velle, L. (2018) ‘Evidence Based Knowledge for Teachers.’ European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), University Bolzano, Italy. 4-7 September, 2018.
  12. Ovenden-Hope, T., Passy, R., Mills, B. and Theobold, K. (2018) ‘Examining Educational Isolation: the challenges and solutions for sequestered schools in England’. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, University of Sunderland, UK. 11 – 13 September 2018.
  13. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2018) ‘Riding the (educational policy) wave: a seven year study of a coastal school in England’. British Educational Research Association Conference, University of Sunderland, UK. 11 – 13 September 2018.
  14. Ovenden-Hope, T. and La Velle, L. (2018) ‘Achieving UNESCO Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4c): Improving the quality of teaching via a knowledge mobilisation strategy to develop evidence-informed practice’. British Educational Research Association Conference, University of Sunderland, UK. 11 – 13 September 2018.
  15. Ovenden-Hope, T and Passy, R. (2018) INVITED ‘Teach near the beach? The challenges for coastal schools.’ Ofsted Conference, Taachi-Morris Centre, Taunton. 28 October 2018.
  16. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2018) INVITED ‘Teach near the beach? Extramural where it’s rural? The challenges for coastal, rural and small schools.’ Embracing Change - Flourishing Leaders: Rural and Small Schools Conference, Church of England, Sands Resort, Newquay. 8 October 2018.
  17. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2018) INVITED PANEL MEMBER ‘Improving teacher retention and CPD.’ Every Child Included in Education Conference, Achievement for All. Newbury Racecourse, Newbury. 17 October 2018.
  18. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R. (2018) INVITED ‘Challenges that educational isolation brings to schools.’ All Party Parliamentary Group for the Teaching Profession. 22 October, 2018. Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, Westminster
  19. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2019) ‘‘RETAIN’ Early Career Teacher Retention Programme: Evaluating the role of research informed continuing professional development for teacher retention.’ British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, University of Manchester, UK. 10 - 12 September 2019.
  20. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R (2019) ‘Educational Isolation: A Challenge For School Improvement In England.‘ British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, University of Manchester, UK. 10 - 12 September 2019.
  21. Ovenden-Hope, T. (2021) ‘Educational Isolation: The challenges of ‘place’ for schools in England. FED National Education Summit’. March, 2021. (Online).
  22. Ovenden-Hope, T (2021) ‘Educational Isolation: Place-based Challenges for Teacher Supply in
    Rural and Coastal Schools in England’. International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education - ISFIRE - 2021, University of the Highlands and Islands, UK. 2-5 August 2021.
  23. Ovenden-Hope, T (2021) Invited Keynote ‘‘Place’ and the challenges for schools in England’ on international panel, ISFIRE 2021, University of Highland and Islands, UK. 2-5 August.
  24. Fuqua, M., Ovenden-Hope, T., Roberts, P., da Silva, S. M., Ohrn, E., Jayne, D., and Paulgaard, G. (2021) ‘Building Community-School Relationships through Curriculum in Rural Areas: An international conversation’. European Conference for Education Research, Online. 6 – 10 September, 2021.
  25. Ovenden-Hope, T. and Passy, R (2021) ‘Understanding the effect of ‘place’ for schools outside of London and other high density population areas – can the concept of educational isolation help?’ In symposium ‘Exploring differences in school performance through place - is there really a 'London Effect'?’. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, Online. 13-16 September 2021.



Expert Membership of professional bodies


  • Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Fellow of The Society of Education and Training
  • Fellow of The Chartered College of Teaching
  • Board member of ICET
  • Council member of UCET
  • Council member of BERA
  • SIG Convenor of BERA
  • SIG Convenor and Chair of the Teacher Supply SIG for the APPG for the Teaching Profession

Roles on external bodies


Current Voluntary Roles

 2022 - Present APPG for the Teaching Profession SIG for Teacher Supply: Convenor and Chair

2021 – Present  Church of England (Education Leadership): Invited Expert Research Challenge Group Member for NPQs development and Rural Teaching Partnership

 2020 – Present ICET (International Council for the Education of Teachers): Elected Board Member

 2020 – Present BERA (British Educational Research Association): Elected Council Member (Director)

 2019 – Present  Paul Hamlyn Foundation Teacher Development Fund: Invited Advisory Board Member

 2018 – 2024  Askel Veur Education Trust, Truro, Cornwall: Director

 2017 – 2024 Pool Academy, Pool, Redruth, Cornwall: Member

 2017 – Present Invited International Referees Panel Member, Journal of Education for Teaching, Taylor and Francis.

 2016 – Present BERA: Elected SIG Convenor for Educational Effectiveness and Improvement.

 2016 – 2024 UCET (Universities Council for the Education of Teachers): Elected Executive Council Member

 2019 - Present   Kernow Learning Trust (previously Atlantic Centre of Excellence, Multi Academy Trust): Trustee and Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee.


Previous Voluntary Roles

 2018 – 2020      Achievement for All Education Trust: Member

 2010 – 2017      Marine Academy Plymouth and Marine Academy Primary: Governor, Director, Trustee, Member and Chair of the Curriculum Committee

 2013 – 2018      Teacher Education and Further Education MESH (Mapping Educational Specialist KnowHow) Guides : Editor

 2010 – 2017      Peninsula Teaching School Partnership (teaching alliance): Board Member

 2015 – 2017       Peninsula SCITT: Board Member

 2014 – 2017      Kernow Teaching School Alliance: Board Member and School Improvement Steering Group Member


Other Interests


Walking #EduDog

Visiting the beach


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